Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This small café/designershop is really worth a visit. It's located on Kastanien Allee in Prenzlauerberg, Berlin. A very fahionable neighborhood with small shops where the owners are making the clothes themselves. Glücklich am park means "Happy by park", and the concept is that you can come and buy everything you want on the second floor, and after doing that go outside and drink a smoothie. The clothes is by scandinavian and german designers. 

Den lille hyggelige café/designerbutik er virkelig et besøg værd. Den ligger på Kastanien Allee i Prenzlauerberg, hvilket er et meget fashionabel kvarter i Berlin, med en masse små butikker, hvor ejerne selv syer tøjet. På første sal kan du shoppe tøj fra Skandinaviske og tyske designere og derefter kan du sætter dig ned på alléen og nyde en smoothie. 

Abercrombie and Fitch goes to Paris part 2

Hi people!
This summer I went to Paris on a trip with my family. By the way a fantastic city. We were shopping on Champs-Élysées, and of cause we had to visit the newly opened Abercrombie and Fitch flagship store. The line in front of the store was longer than I have ever seen. We were waiting in about 1 hour and 15 minutes to get in. The store is placed in an old palace on Champs-Élysées. It's very beautiful with big golden doors, and small details. The employees are hot young models. I think it was worth the waitingtime! 

I sommers var jeg en tur til Paris. Dejlig by! Vi shoppede på Champs-Élysées, og selvfølgelig måtte vi da også lige se den nyåbnede Abercrombie and Fitch flagship store. Vi stod i kø i en 1 time og et kvarter bare for at komme ind i butikken, men det var helt klart ventetiden værd. Butikken var stor og flot med gulddøre og mange flotte detaljer, og alle medarbejderne var lækre modeller.
Abercrombie and Fitch Paris

This is me in front of the store after buying way too much... :-))

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

City of opportunities

Big-city life Big-city life Big-city life Big-city life Big-life big-city life big-city life big-city life big-city
Manhattan manhattan manhattan manhattan manhattan Style style style fashion fashion fashion fashion
fashion fashion fancy funky trendy trendy trendy trendy cool cool cool fashion fashion fashion fashion 
New York lifestyle lifestyle New York Lifestyle Manhattan Manhattan New York New York fashion
Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan New York New York New York New York New York New York New York coffee Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee 

COPENHAGEN -Capital of the north!

If you have travelled around the world, you have probably run into this! If you have not ever heard of it, will this be your opportunity to make friends with one of the world’s most wonderful cities. This is wonderful Copenhagen!

Only a few steps north and you will find the Scandinavian paradise. The city in which the nature and culture can work together. A place of diversity, welfare, and kindness. Pack your bags, and discover the magic of the north. 
Copenhagen is worldwide known for its very beautiful design, architecture, and furniture. It have the best shopping in Scandinavia, and in the last years it have become the fashion capitol of Scandinavia.

Come visit!

København er en af de mest vidunderlige byer i verden. I de senere år er der sket en masse som har gjort byen endnu mere fantastisk. Byen er verdensberømt for dens smukke design, arkitektur, møbler og mode. 

Besøg København!

The longest pedestrian street in the world (Probably on a sunday. There use to be much more crowded)

Cold weather, warm sweater!

There is always a reason to go buy some new. In this month it must be the weather. I went to an outlet yesterday, and look what I found: This beautiful sweater by the german Hugo Boss on sale. I can maybe live with the weather wearing this! (-:

Der er altid en grund til at købe noget nyt. I denne kolde, regnfulde, kedelige oktober, må det helt klart være vejret, så jeg tog på outlet og fandt denne sweater af tyske Hugo Boss på udsalg. Det gør det lidt nemmere at holde vejret ud! (-:

Sweater: Hugo Boss, before 228 €/ 314 $, now 148 €/ 204 $

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stripes, stripes, stripes..

 The danish designers are not the only one with stripes in their collections this season. The whole world is all about stripes right now. Even the italian high-fashion-label Prada is filled with them. The fact that Mads Noergaard uses stripes in his collections is not news. It's a scandinavian thing, and it's nice to see the rest of the world be inspired by the northen style. 
Another funny thing about the strips is, that there's no rules. You can do what you want and mix vertical, horizontal, broad and slim stripes. 

              Left: Prada: ss11 collection                                                                                               
Right: Mads Noergaard: Man collection 139 €/197 $

Magical Magnolia

Maybe it's old news, but Magnolia Bakery's cupcakes is the best of the world. The bakery are very famous and are opening new stores in New York. At Magnolia the cupcakes are baked from scratch in small batches throughout the day. They bake the old-fashioned way without the use of preservatives or stabilizers so the goods are meant to be enjoyed fresh from the oven. Here's a photo of me and my family at the first bakery shop on Bleecker Street, NYC:  

 Magnolia Bakerys cupcakes er de bedste man kan få. De er blevet meget berømte, efter at have været med i et par amerikanske serier. Her står min familie og jeg ved bageriets butik på Bleecker St.:

Check out their homepage:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Abercrombie and Fitch goes to Paris

The big american brand, Abercrombie and Fitch, has just opened their new flagship store on Champs Elysées in Paris. Abercrombie and Fitch is known from the topless guys in the entre of the stores, who's always smiling and ready to have a photo with their fans. The clothes are casual and sexy, but much more expensive than in the USA. All the employees are models. The stores are dark and the music are high. It's all about sex. Check the opening day out here:  



One of the most succesful danish model, Freja Beha Erichsen, has now finished another job for Chanel. She's posing with Stella Tennant. Freja is my absolute favorite danish model. She can both be very rough and very sensitive and feminine. She's always elegant. See a part of the photos by Karl Lagerfeld here: 


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